Jim has started a couple months ago and has made a huge impact on the community as a whole. Jim stated he wanted to rise to the top the very first day he was hired and look where he is now. A man who doesn't give up and is strong about his goal.
Tonya is quiet but when it is time to announce new statements and update information she is on it. Without Tonya this team would have gone anywhere without her brilliant ideas and amazing attitude.
Steve has been incredible from the beginning. He specifically stays focused to get every piece of information contained for the public. He strives for the best and looks forward to speaking to new people. Steve has been an great add on to the team.
Mary has been here every step of the way. She always gives great new ideas and isnt afraid to try new things. She is always willing to help, work great with other staff members and brings joy into our lives with her great sense of humor.