Beginning on August 24th of 2020 there will be an additional help stand provided to all members in need. A young couple decided to add a Blessing Box to the community of Tekonsha Michigan. This Box provides personal hygiene products, food, and much more as others donate to our local community. An additional hand sanitizer bottle will be supplied near the box for all helping members to use.
As to this donation, we ask that all members, if able to, who participate in the Blessing Box also participate in the take and replace. This take and replace is simply taking an item and replacing it with another product of your own. If you are able to donate to the Blessing Box we thank you as a whole. As for those who can not replace a product, we completely understand.
Everyone should also take into consideration to be thankful for the young couple who have come up with this significantly helpful idea. Once again, this Blessing Box is to help our community. Please take what you need and leave what you can. Many people in our community would love your help.
As a whole community, we challenge the Tekonsha Village to donate as much as you can within the first month of opening the box. This is a great way to keep the box full and help individuals around our lives stress a little less through these hard times. Thank you to everyone who participates in our Blessing Box challenge and thank you for your donations.
Helping others is the way we help ourselves -Oprah Winfrey
For more information, you can check out this link here.
>Image Citation:
25or6to4, CC BY-SA 3.0
Image citation:
Ed Yourdon from New York City, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0
Image citation:
Donald Trung, CC BY-SA 4.0
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